To date, evidence to support the construct validity of the eq 5d 5l has primarily focused on crosssectional data. This is the first study that assesses the validity and reliability of the proxy version of the eq5dy. This study aimed to test the validity and reliability of the fivelevel euroqol fivedimensional eq5d5 l instrument in family caregivers fcs of. Reliability and validity of the thai version of eq5d5l. Eq 5d 5l appears to have better measurement properties than eq5d3l. This study aims to examine the distribution, construct validity, and reliability of the new eq 5d 5l questionnaire administered online to. This study evaluates health perception in a representative sample of the general german population from 2015. Purpose to assess the testretest reliability of the eq 5d 5l 5l and compare the validity of the 5l and eq5d3l 3l in osteoarthritis patients referred to an orthopaedic surgeon for total joint replacement. To assess the testretest reliability of the eq5d5l 5l and compare the validity of the 5l and eq5d3l 3l in osteoarthritis. The switch from eq5d3l and eq 5d 5l could impact on the economic evaluation results, posing a challenge to policy makers and researchers who have been using eq5d3l to conduct costeffectiveness analysis. Position statement on use of the eq5d5l value set for. Methods we mailed questionnaires to 306 consecutive patients following referral and a second questionnaire after 2 weeks to assess. Internal consistency reliability, convergent validity, and discriminative.
However, the applicability of the eq5d health measure in chinese patients with spa is currently. Therefore, both the eq 5d 5l and aql5d should be considered for use in future economic evaluations. This study aimed to test the validity and reliability of the fivelevel euroqol fivedimensional eq 5d5 l instrument in family caregivers fcs of leukemia patients in heilongjiang of china. Crosscultural measurement equivalence of the 5level eq5d eq 5d 5l in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in singapore ye wang1, ngiapchuan tan2, eeguan tay2, julian thumboo3,4 and nan luo5 abstract background. The testretest reliability of eq 5d 5l bsl, for each dimension of health, was shown to have cohens kappa values of 0. However, it does not assess the cognitive problems many patients with stroke experience. To assess the testretest reliability of the eq 5d 5l 5l and compare the validity of the 5l and eq5d3l 3l in osteoarthritis patients referred to an orthopaedic surgeon for total joint replacement. Convergent validity between eq 5d 5l bsl and core10 bsl and core6d bsl is consistent, demonstrating that the bsl version of eq 5d 5l is a good measure of the health status of an individual. Psychometric validation of the euroqol 5dimension eq5d. This paper reports a qualitative assessment of the content validity and appropriateness for use of the eq 5d 5l and icecapa measures, using novel methodology.
Reliability and validity of the eq 5d 5l compared to the eq5d3l in patients with osteoarthritis referred for hip and knee replacement article pdf available in quality of life research 247. No study has evaluated the metric properties of the new eq 5d 5l in patients with asthma yet. Since the introduction of the fivelevel version of the eq5d 5l, many. In 2005, a research programme was implemented to investigate methods to. Insufficient evidence on responsiveness and testretest reliability. Topics includeadministering the instrument, setting up a database for data collected using eq 5d 5l as well. Comparing responsiveness of the eq5d5l, eq5d3l and eq. Validation of the eq5d5l in patients with hip or knee. Six hundred of adults were sampled from the general population in south korea using a multistage stratified quota sampling method. The eq5d is a generic instrument for describing and evaluating health status. We evaluated psychometric properties of eq 5d 5l in the general population. Background the eq5d, a generic health status questionnaire that is widely used in health economic evaluation, was recently expanded to the eq 5d 5l to address criticisms of unresponsiveness and ceiling effect. Psychometric properties of the eq5d5l in the general. Euroqol5 dimension questionnaire rehabmeasures database.
Despite widely available quantitative psychometric data on the eq5d, little is known about content validity in this population. Both the eq 5d 5l and the aql5d also showed that they were sensitive to change for the recovery responses. In line with the manual of the english version of the whoqolbref. Specifically, we tested the convergent validity, divergent validity, knowngroups validity, and testretest reliability of the eq 5d 5l instrument. The construct validity and responsiveness of the eq5d5l. To compare results over time, a component analysis technique was used that separates changes in the description and valuation of health states. Euroqol eq5d outcome measure in 1990, the euroqol group published the findings of their work developing a quality of life measure1. We mailed questionnaires to 306 consecutive patients following referral and a second questionnaire after 2 weeks to assess reliability. Quality of life of the indonesian general population. The aim of this article is to compare the content validity, internal consistency and discriminative ability of the eq 5d 5l with and without an additional cognitive domain eq 5d. Our current guide to the methods of technology appraisal 20 states that data collected using the eq. The eq 5d 5l hk value set is a generic hrqol instrument, with particular benefits of reliability and being easy to use. Pdf validity of the euroqol eq5d5l in assessing quality of life.
Pdf reliability and validity of the eq5d5l compared to the eq. Development and content validity testing of a patientreported treatment acceptance measure for use. Our results can be useful to researchers and clinicians who can compare their findings with respect to these concepts with those of the indonesian general. Patients with t2d in the uk completed concept elicitation. The eq 5d 5l and aql5d showed stronger construct validity and responsiveness compared to the tto. The aims of this study were to examine the responsiveness of eq 5d 5l in patients with stroke and to compare it with responsiveness of eq5d3l and visual analogue scale eq vas. Reliability of patientreported outcome instruments in us adults with hemophilia.
The blandaltman method was used to assess the reliability of different modes of administering both the eq5d3l vas and the eq5d3l descriptive scale. A crosssectional survey was conducted on 298 family caregivers fcs of leukemia patients from three major cancer centers in the capital city of heilongjiang province of china. Quality of life profile and psychometric properties of the. No study has evaluated the metric properties of the new eq5d5l in. Feasibility, reliability, and validity of the eq5dy. Measurement properties of the eq 5d 5l compared to the eq5d3l across eight patient groups. Conclusions eq 5d 5l had confirmed reliability and validity on patients with chronic disease. Comparing the psychometric properties of the eq5d5l. The eq 5d 5l improves on the eq5d3l for healthrelated qualityof. Pdf reliability and validity of the eq5d5l compared to. Reliability and v alidity of eq 5d in malaysian population 215 considered to be an ac ceptable reliab ility coeffici ent maurice et al. Generic health instruments like the euroqol 5dimension eq5d is important for the costutility analysis of health care interventions and calculation of qualityadjusted life years. The validity and reliability of the eq 5d 5l in comparison with the standard 3l has been tested through the analysis of psychometric properties making use of different samples of patients. Euroqol eq5d5l validity in assessing the quality of life in adults with.
Assessment of content validity allows understanding of whether a measure captures the most relevant and important aspects of a concept. This study aimed to examine the feasibility, reliability and validity of the newly developed eq5dy in four european countries and south africa. Euroqol eq5d5l validity in assessing the quality of life. Ijerph free fulltext healthrelated quality of life. The use of eq 5d 5l in asian hta systems ataru igarashi. Thus, the purpose of this qualitative study was to examine content validity of the eq5d in patients with t2d. The descriptive system of the eq 5d 5l and the whoqolbref have high testretest reliability while the eqvas and the index score of eq 5d 5l show poor agreement between the two tests.
Comparing responsiveness of the eq 5d 5l, eq5d3l and eq vas in stroke patients comparing responsiveness of the eq 5d 5l, eq5d3l and eq vas in stroke patients. Preliminary studies indicated that prototype 5l versions improved upon the properties of the 3l in terms of reduced ceiling effects, increased reliability, and improved ability to. Eq5d eq 5d 5l, hereafter 5l, which expands the range ofresponses ineachdimension fromthree to. Its results show that this is an applicable, reliable, and valid instrument to measure hrqol in children and adolescents through parental reports. Dr julian thumboo, department of rheumatology and immunology, singapore general hospital, outram road, singapore 169608. A qualitative assessment of the content validity of the. Full text examining the healthrelated quality of life. Pdf background the euroqol5 dimension eq5d, developed in 1990, is a most widely used generic tool to measure the healthrelated. The eq5da generic quality of life measureis a useful. The eq 5d 5l is a widely used generic instrument to measure healthrelated quality of life.
This study aimed to test the validity and reliability of the eq 5d 5l in fcs of leukemia patients. Purposethe icecapa and eq 5d 5l are two index measures appropriate for use in health research. This study aimed to assess the measurement equivalence of the 5level eq5d eq 5d 5l among the english, chinese, and malay. A crosssectional multisite survey was conducted in 1016 patients age. Aims to describe the validity, responsiveness and minimum important difference of the eq 5d 5l in copd.
Data were initially examined through a series of simple plots. The results clearly show that the eq5dy is easy to fill in, has few missing values and is highly feasible for children as a hrqol measure. Generalizability theory was used for testretest reliability assessment. Methods the brunei malay eq 5d 5l was developed by culturally adapting two existing malay versions. Participants completed the eq 5d 5l, eq5d3l, and sf36v2.
Validity and reliability of the eq5d5 l in family caregivers of. Keywords eq 5d 5l, reliability, validity, patients with chronic disease. Crosscultural measurement equivalence of the 5level eq. Objective to test the feasibility and validity of the eq5d a widely used generic disease nonspecific quality of life qol instrument which allows comparisons between different patient groups and the general population to assess qol in patients with parkinsons disease.
Validity and reliability of the spanish eq5dy proxy. Reliability and validity of the eq5d5l compared to the. Testretest reliability and population norms of the eq5d5l. A qualitative examination of the content validity of the. Introduction this guide has been developed in order to give users basic information on how to use the eq 5d 5l version. This study aimed to develop a brunei malay version of the 5level eq5d questionnaire eq 5d 5l and to assess its psychometric properties among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus t2dm. Reliability and validity of the eq 5d 5l compared to the eq5d3l in patients with osteoarthritis referred for hip and knee replacement. Validity of an enhanced eq5d5l measure with an added. However, it is likely that the condition of the illness may affect the power of the 5l version with respect to the 3l one. In the eq 5d 3l version, the respondents has to draw a line from the box on the questionnaire to the scale indicates the health state of the interviewed day, while the eq 5d 5l version asks to mark x on the scale to indicate the todays health and write the number of the.
Our study, using eq 5d 5l, revealed that people with heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and cancer reported worse hrqol than those without these longterm conditions. Translation, validity and reliability of the british sign. The eq5d is frequently used to derive utilities for patients with type 2 diabetes t2d. R1 a 5l value set for use in policy applications must be based on good quality data. Spondyloarthritis spa has a significant impact on patients quality of life due to functional impairments. Comparing the psychometric properties of the eq5d3l and. This study was conducted to assess the redistribution properties of the eq5d3l when using the eq 5d 5l and to compare the validity, informativity, and reliability of both eq5d3l and eq 5d 5l in korean cancer patients. One hundred participants were resurveyed for reliability evaluation. Psychometric properties of the eq5d5l in patients with hip or knee. To study the psychometric properties, including reliability, validity and responsiveness, of the spanish eq5d5l questionnaire for patients with. Convergent validation of eq 5d 5l in patients with parkinsons disease. A new programme of further development, including a new data collection initiative, should be considered to put eq 5d.
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